
Capturing Fire

For the past month, I have been spending my Monday nights with the wonderful people of Capturing Fire, a workshop of DC poets led by Sparkle's own Mr. Regie Cabico. The nine of us gathered for two hours once a week to write, look at a s-ton of amazing poems and workshop each others pieces. 

And, in the the spirit of Sparkle, we talked about sex. A lot. I honestly often left class more hot and bothered than is apropos for a Monday night.

Anyone who knows me well, knows this is a subject I talk about. A lot. But for some reason it's never translated into poems. I've never written an 'Erotica Poem' in the purest sense, mostly because I feel it comes out trite and disjointed; never the message I'm trying to convey. Still not there yet on a great piece, but it's all about the journey, no? For now, the beginning of something that could be. Based on the prompt of 50 things that turn you on.

beards & boys with a social justice bend
air blown in my ear, even if it’s the accidental
aftershock of a whisper
my face being held by hands larger than my own
built up kisses that feel like they belong
under bleachers

the smell of almond
the taste of beer on your breath
being pulled in closer
because this is our element
because carefree is sexy
the first raw attempt at a handhold

making eyes
for hours
at the black cat

knowing something others don’t know
knowing something exactly eight other women know
shared showers

hole sings Malibu live
shane on showtime


the smell of sweat & nature
your sleeping breathe in my ear

rum & diet & a dance floor


GFunkEra said...


Unknown said...

As weird as this might be to hear from me (and as weird as it was to read), I think this is one of the best poems you've written.