
Love, Not H8

Big things are happening here at Remember When. Thanks to a very dear friend of mine I finally got my act together on this whole embedding videos nonsense. Turns out, its easier than rhyming words with 'our.' I think it dynamically changes the layout and hopefully will make it easier for people to watch the videos of poets featured here.

As for poets featured here, they are mostly from Seattle. I realize that and I am dealing with it. I just have an incredible bias towards the amazing shit that touched stage every Wednesday in oh-so-city-fringe Fremont. The truth is, there are incredible poets all over the country and world. Bringing you one of them in 5,4...

Andrea Gibson. A queer Denver poet who was the first gal ever to win The Women of the World Poetry Slam. She also performed a few times this summer with the Junkyard Ghost Revival, an amazing group of PNW poets. For me, it is always great to see women on the stage and especially one who is so compelling with her words. I saw this piece a long time ago and it ripped me to shreds. The truth is, it's not sad or heart wrenching in the way some other poems are. It's just truth. Plain and simple. As Sharpies bleed from Prop 8 posters and this issue inevitably takes the backburner to other world crisises, I thought it was appropriate to share this poem. As for the bastards who voted for Prop 8, Andrea Gibson totally made me gay, so apparently they do recruit!

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